Sorry to be a little late in posting for the Kids Clothing Week Challenge, but I have been participating and keeping up with an average of an hour of sewing per day. I have been on a roll, which is satisfying even if my photography is lacking, quite embarrassing not helped by the grey days and my simple point and click digital camera (gift genies if you are reading a lovely Digital SLR camera would be a wonderful christmas present, hehe).

Anyway this first finished project is a wee dress I refashioned from a skivvy using the
Playdate Dress tutorial from the wonderful blog called Craftiness is not optional. I discovered this blog on the Kids clothing week challenge central
Elsiemarley blog where you can get inspiration from lots of talented people from around the world.

Another refashion from a long sleeved top to cute and comfy PJ or lounge pants. I especially like the fold over waist band, great for the changing tummy sizes of toddlers.

And a cute big sister, little sibling matching pants. Again a refashion from a long sleeve top, a great way of getting more interesting fabrics than available in local fabric shops. I used another favourite waistband technique of mine, fold over elastic. So easy to use and cancels out the fiddly step of pushing elastic through a fabric casing. But make sure you stretch the elastic as you sew and use a stretch straight stitch if you have it or a zigzag stitch if you don't.
More sewing finished projects tomorrow, happy creating!